Everything You Need to Know About CVD Diamonds : A Simple, Factual Guide - Limelight Diamonds

Your Complete Guide to Understanding CVD Diamonds . Q: Are CVD diamonds synthetic? A: No, CVD diamonds are neither synthetic nor artificial. They are as real as natural diamonds and are grown in a laboratory instead of being mined from under the surface of the earth. Q: Is CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) the same as CZ (Cubic Zirconia) A: Absolutely not, the two are completely different. CVD diamonds are 100% real diamonds meaning they are entirely made up of carbon. Cubic Zirconia does not contain any carbon and are significantly weaker in hardness as compared to CVD diamonds that are real diamonds. Q: What is the difference between natural diamonds & CVD diamonds? There is no optical, thermal, physical or chemical difference between natural & CVD diamonds . They both are made up of carbon, however CVD diamonds have an edge over most natural diamonds as CVD diamonds are 100% carbon, the purest type of diamonds – type IIa diamonds. ...