It is human negligence that has contributed to the environmental crisis that we face today. Whenever human activities or actions encroach on the natural environment, we cause more than just environmental damage. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic may seem like a natural act, but in fact, it is an illustration of our negligence and a stark reminder of our dysfunctional relationship with the environment.


We are destroying ourselves by destroying nature.


According to the executive director of the UN’s Environment Programme, Inger Andersen, nature is sending us a message with the pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis that we’re experiencing today. She explained that we have been putting too much pressure on the natural world which can have damaging consequences. Andersen also added that our inability to protect our planet would mean that we are not taking care of ourselves. She also explained that while the immediate priority is to protect the people from COVID-19 and prevent it from spreading further, our long-term response should be tackling the loss of our habitat and biodiversity.

Science and Travel writer David Quammen had predicted the virus long before it emerged. In his book titled ‘Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Pandemic‘ (released in 2012), Quammen explained that it is us humans who disrupt the ecosystems and shake the viruses loose from their natural hosts. What follows is that these viruses look for new hosts which are often humans.

In the context of preventing the spread of further outbreaks, experts also say that we need to end both global heating and the destruction of our natural world for farming, mining and housing as these activities eventually drive wildlife into contact with people which causes a spread of deadly diseases and disrupts the natural environment.

According to the 2019 Global Risk Report by WEF, environmental threats have become the second most dominant global risk in respect to the impact after weapons of mass destruction.

These are clear warnings that we need to stop somewhere before things get completely out of our hands. As businesses and industries assess how to emerge from the ongoing crisis, we as consumers need to reflect on our actions and be more mindful of our consumption. For those wondering where to begin, why not start with luxury items that aren’t even a necessity in our lives. It is also important that customers demand transparency and sustainability from brands to lead a positive change.


Diamonds grown above the earth/non mined diamonds have become increasingly desirable among consumers over the last several years. Similar to the concept of test-tube babies and naturally born babies where the process is different but the output is exactly the same. Lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds that are grown in advanced labs by exactly replicating the diamond creation process which occurs below the surface of the earth bearing the exact same composition, properties and characteristics.

However, one of the biggest change-makers is that these diamonds are grown in labs and not extracted from mines, hence leaving the earth free of mining manipulations. Since there’s no mining involved, these diamonds save up on the mining costs, and the resulting lab-grown diamonds are at least 50% cheaper than their mined counterparts. The price benefits of lab grown diamonds is then passed on to the consumers. While it helps bring down the cost significantly, what truly appeals to its audience, the millennials, is the fact that these diamonds help sustain the earth and its depleting resources due to the absence of mining.

How eco-friendly are lab-grown diamonds?

Considering that lab-grown diamonds are grown above the earth, they completely eliminate the heavy extraction costs associated with traditional diamonds, making them the sustainable and ideal choice among millennial consumers.

One carat of lab grown diamond can save up to:

·         109 gallons of water

·         1.5 billion times the carbon emission per carat

·         250 tonnes of land

·         At least 50% of your money

150 million carats of diamonds mined each year destroys:

·         16.3 billion gallons of water

·         37.5 billion tonnes of land

Demand for sustainability and the rise of eco-friendly diamond jewellery

The global crisis has affected the overall luxury market and the pace of recovery is expected to be much slower. This will naturally have an impact on the global gems and jewellery industry. However, the pandemic has left a severe impact on the consumer’s mindset and a significant change is expected in their behavioural as well as purchasing patterns. A recent study by Bain & Co suggests that key consumer trends likely to be seen are:

·         Increased environmental and social consciousness – consumers are likely to support sustainable products

·         Ethics will be as important as aesthetics – brands that effectively communicate their core values, beliefs and stand up for the appropriate ethical practices will be embraced faster

·         Increased love and demand for national products – whilst governments have also started working towards reducing dependencies on other countries, nationalised products will begin to gain higher confidence even in the eyes of the consumer

·         Luxury brands will have to re-consider pricing to remain “affordable” – value for money will be given prime importance

·         Online shopping will become more popular

In short – “Purchase with a purpose is likely to be the new definition of luxury” and this spells out one clear answer that once economies revive, new perspectives and change in consumer mindset is going to popularise non mined diamonds further all over the world

Sustainable diamonds are emerging as the new true symbol of love

To tackle the ongoing pandemic situation, millennials and the younger generation of consumers are being mindful of their purchases more than ever and are making environmentally sustainable choices. With the world becoming aware of the benefits of lab grown diamonds, these sustainable stones have emerged as the new true symbol of love and commitment among these luxury consumers who wish to build a brighter future.


What makes lab diamonds all the more unique is that diamonds grown through the CVD process (a technology predominantly found in India, the USA, Japan, Singapore) are 100% composed of carbon and are nitrogen-free. Interestingly, only 2% of the world’s natural diamonds are the purest type – 100% carbon composed, whereas all CVD diamonds are composed entirely of carbon. World-renowned diamond grading & certifying labs (such as GIA, IGI, and SGL) classify these diamonds as Type IIA. The shine, brightness & lustre of Type IIA diamonds is significantly better than any other diamond. As a result, the shine & brilliance of CVD diamonds is unmatched and rare to find in their mined counterparts.

Apart from the purity and unmatched brilliance, the benefits of lab growndiamonds also lie in its price, as they don’t require major resources involved with the conventional mining process. Thereby, it even appeals greatly to price-conscious consumers across the world.



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